The Dhaka Times
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At 7 a.m. the wind is very harmful!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have never heard such a thing before. But it's really surprising. At 7 a.m. the wind is very harmful! So it is advised not to do morning work at this time.

Harmful or dangerous wind at 7 am

It is natural that many people will be shocked to hear such a news. Because many people go out in the morning to do morning work. And what will happen if it is 7 o'clock while doing that morning work? Even if the light of the morning comes, the sun's heat is not so high, so many people return home quite safely. But many people don't know how harmful the air at 7 am is for you?

According to a news report, from March 15 to April 15. Air in all major cities of India was monitored for a whole month. One would be shocked to hear the results after one month. Air pollution in major Indian cities is at 7 am throughout the day. If you live in Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, then you must avoid going out of the house in the morning - this is what the news said.

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