The Dhaka Times
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Now diesel will be made from air!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, diesel will be made from air! Such a news in the world of research has once again made people optimistic.

diesel will be made from air

Today almost everyone is more or less worried about global warming. Toxic gases emitted by vehicles are largely responsible for this warming. And so scientists are constantly looking for alternatives to conventional fuels. In continuation of that, this time came the talk of a new type of alternative system. Diesel will be made from the endless air around us.

diesel will be made from air-2

According to a BBC report, it sounds like science fiction but it is now real. Two companies in Germany and Canada have already started the project of producing diesel from wind quite vigorously. The German company 'Sunfire' has already made this 'e-diesel' by collecting carbon dioxide from the air.

According to media reports, Germany's Federal Minister of Education Joanna Wanka herself drove a car using this diesel. On the other hand, the Canadian company Carbon Engineering has not stopped. Meanwhile, they collect 2 tons of carbon dioxide and produce 500 liters of diesel.

What happens in conventional cases is that excess carbon dioxide is produced by burning fuel. But this process has a serious impact on global warming. But experts believe that burning the diesel produced in the new method will not have any adverse effect on global warming.

The reason for this is that this diesel is collected from air. So the carbon dioxide produced by burning this diesel will not cause any additional warming. However, this process requires electricity. However, it is said in the report that the work can be carried out using electricity obtained from renewable sources.

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