The Dhaka Times
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The initiative to bring back the rescued Bangladeshis from Thailand

The Dhaka Times Desk Initiatives are being taken to bring back 118 Bangladeshis rescued from Thailand. However, the Labor and Employment Minister has said that legal action will be taken against them. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sought consular privileges from the Thai government to bring them back.


130 Bangladeshis were rescued from the jungles of Thailand in the last one week. This time he was held as a slave in a forest in Thailand. Bangladesh has sought consular facilities from the Thai government to bring back the rescued 118 Bangladeshis among them. It is known that they will be brought back to the country after the confirmation of their citizenship. Acting Foreign Secretary M Mustafa Kamal gave this information to reporters in his office on Sunday.

Regarding the latest situation of the Bangladeshis rescued from the jungles of Thailand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said that they are 'victims of human trafficking'. 740 people from Bangladesh entered Thailand this year.

Acting Foreign Secretary Mustafa Kamal told reporters that the Thai authorities have informed the Bangladesh embassy there. Among the 53 people rescued from the southern part of the country in the first round, 38 Bangladeshis and 15 claimed to be Myanmar nationals. Interviews are also being conducted with these people in various detention centers in Thailand. Apart from this, 80 of the 81 people in the second phase claimed to be Bangladeshis and another Myanmar citizen. Bangladesh has sought consular facilities to confirm their citizenship. The Thai authorities are expected to respond in a day or two.

In this regard, Acting Foreign Secretary M Mustafa Kamal said, we have excellent relations with Thailand in terms of bringing back Bangladeshi people. There was no problem in this regard in the past. We believe there will be no problem yet.

It should be noted that these Bangladeshis rescued from the deep jungles of Thailand are all victims of trafficking. Lured by better jobs, they were drugged and handcuffed and taken to Thailand by boat. They were sold there. In the jungles they were being used inhumanely as slaves in farming and fishing.

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