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Heavy rains in Nicaragua: life disrupted: 22 dead: 32 thousand people homeless

The Dhaka Times Desk Heavy rainfall occurred in Nicaragua. Life has become stagnant. Common people are suffering. At least 22 people have been killed so far. 32 thousand people became homeless.

Nicaragua Precipitation

Severe drought or heavy rain both poison the life of people. People have to survive by facing these natural disasters. A similar incident occurred in Nicaragua. A few days of heavy rains have disrupted life there. At least 22 people have died so far. 32 thousand people have become homeless.

Nicaragua Precipitation-3

The BBC reported that 9 of the dead were crushed by walls in the capital, Managua. The accident occurred when a wall suddenly collapsed during this torrential rain. The remaining 13 people were killed in landslides and various rain-related accidents. In such a situation, emergency department workers have evacuated families who are at risk of landslides from different parts of Managua.

Nicaragua Precipitation-2

Government spokesman Rosario Murillo said heavy rains that began in September have left homeless people in temporary shelters. He told the media that the families evacuated from Managua have also been taken to that shelter. Meanwhile, due to heavy rains, extensive damage has also been reported in neighboring countries of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

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