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What everyone should know before traveling by air

The Dhaka Times Desk Are you going to travel by plane? Or thinking about going? Then you should know that there are some rules that everyone has to follow to board the plane, these are often called the rules of etiquette of the plane.

১) বোর্ডিং পাস –

Don't forget to get your boarding pass when you arrive at the airport whether you arrive early or late. There are many benefits if you take the boarding pass earlier. When it's time to get on the flight, you don't have to rush at the last minute.

2) Washroom-

If you are waiting to board the first flight, freshen up from the terminal before boarding. Make the bathroom, toilet as possible, so that when the plane flies, you don't have to worry about toileting in the sky.

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3) Seat belt-

The main task is to fasten your seat belt after sitting in your seat on the plane. The airline will tell you how to fasten the seat belt at the beginning. If you can't, then if you want the help of Biman Clue, they will tie it.

4) Oxygen Max-

Fasten the seat belt and see where your oxygen mask is kept and how to use it. If you don't understand, you can definitely take the help of the flight crew.

5) Politeness/Politeness-

When boarding a plane, you should take care of your own politeness and modesty, do not do anything that may cause problems for the passenger in the seat next to you. If the seat next to you is empty, do not sit with your feet up, it will annoy the passenger sitting next to him. Take care that your cause does not upset others. It is your responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of the flight, eat food and dispose of it in designated areas.

6) Phone use-

Avoid using all waves like phone or radio web in airplanes. Put the phone in airplane mode.

7) Sleeping on the plane-

Long flights (8 hours+) require you to sleep on the plane. Many people are not comfortable sitting and sleeping in a small space, in this case move the seat back a little, use the pillow that is provided in the plane, make sure that the passenger next to you does not have any problem. And even if you sleep, you have to be aware, if you make an important announcement in your sleep, or a situation arises, you have to be careful.

8) Flight time-

Remember that the plane vibrates in the sky and you will have a different sensation. In the case of taking the elevator, the feeling when going up suddenly is much the same, but a little more pronounced. If you are a low-pressure person, you may have some problems.

9) At the time of getting off the plane-

When getting off the plane, pack your bags and belongings well and take everything with you. Don't rush, take it easy and prepare for recovery.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২, ২০১৭ 12:21 am


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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