The Dhaka Times
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The hartal called for the arrest and trial of Latif Siddiqui is going on

The Dhaka Times Desk The strike called by the combined Islamic groups demanding the arrest and trial of the controversial Latif Siddiqui continues unabated. No untoward incident has been reported till 9:30 am.


Security has been beefed up in the capital today (Sunday) morning and evening strike called by combined Islamic groups. Law enforcement agencies have made extensive preparations. BGB has also been deployed along with police and RAB to ensure security.

The combined Islamic parties have called for today's hartal to demand the passage of a law in the parliament with the provision of maximum punishment for heretics and apostates and to bring back the apostate Latif Siddiqui to the country and face trial through Interpol.

The Dhaka Metropolitan Police has said that additional police deployment and additional security measures have been taken to ensure that no one can do any kind of sabotage in the city due to the hartal. On the other hand, intelligence monitoring has also been increased.

Meanwhile, till the writing of this report, no untoward incident has been reported during the strike.

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