The Dhaka Times
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Jamaat leader Matiur Rahman Nizami's case verdict on Wednesday

The Dhaka Times Desk Jamaat leader Matiur Rahman Nizami's case verdict on Wednesday. The verdict will be announced by the court headed by Justice M Inayetur Rahim, Chairman of the International Criminal Tribunal-1.

Nizami the verdict on Wednesday

Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Matiur Rahman Nizami was accused of crimes against humanity during the liberation war. The court has fixed the day of announcing the verdict of this case tomorrow, Wednesday.

Earlier, the final arguments in Nizami's case were completed on March 23 and the tribunal ordered that the verdict would be announced any day. The case was kept pending three times for judgment.

It is to be noted that after completing all the proceedings of this case, the tribunal kept it on November 20 (in CAV) that the verdict against Nizami would be announced on any day. On November 13, the tribunal waited for the verdict without finishing the arguments of the defendants in this case. Later, due to the application of the accused, the opportunity to present arguments was again given. A total of 26 people, including freedom fighters, professors and journalists, testified as witnesses in the prosecution against Nizami from August 26 to October 8 last year.

Police arrested Matiur Rahman Nizami on June 29, 2010 in a case of hurting religious sentiments. Later on August 2 of the same year, following an application, he was arrested in a case of crimes against humanity.

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