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Apple brings a programmable smartphone SIM!

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple is trying to create a SIM that will allow users to use other companies' networks without changing SIMs. Apple has named this reprogrammable SIM Apple SIM.


The SIMs we usually use are not programmed, so if a user wants to use another company's network, the SIM has to be changed. Although Apple has not yet confirmed when they can bring such a SIM to the market, but at a recent Apple event, Apple outlined their dream. They also say that this SIM will be programmable. It will include carrier and network tweaks that will enable customers to use other companies' networks. US AT&T is a GSM company, on the other hand Sprint and Verizon are CDMA companies, much like our country's CityCell. Most people in the US use AT&T. But if they want to use another company's network, they have to buy a SIM, or buy a CDMA set. Which is troublesome enough for Apple's iPhone and iPad. But this programmable SIM from Apple doesn't have to. Customers can switch on from one SIM to another SIM whenever they want. In this case the customer will be in the customer service of the company that launched the network.


Most mobile companies in the US have appreciated this initiative. They say, in this case, the suffering of customers will be reduced, as a result, they will be interested in accepting the services of different companies. But various tech bloggers are opposing it, saying Apple is trying to take over the SIM market.

Reference: TechJournal

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