Categories: do it yourself

How to avoid using plastic

The Dhaka Times Desk Plastics are responsible for many problems in our society and environment. Currently, plastic is blamed as the main cause of environmental pollution and water pollution. Today we will see how we can decorate our life beautifully and naturally without using plastic.

Nowadays, the use of plastic has increased so much that plastic is often seen lying on the road. And these plastics fall into various drains and destroy both the drainage system and the environment. A single piece of plastic takes many years to completely assimilate into the soil. As a result, now is the time to make a habit of giving up the use of plastic. Let's know how we can eliminate the use of plastic-

1) Use of regular chatter/cloth bags for market-

We always go to the market, so if we buy one or two regular bags of chaat to go to the market and keep it at home, no matter what we buy, one bag will be enough. And the shopkeeper measured all the products and gave them in your bag. It will be beneficial on both sides, firstly, the use of plastic bags will be reduced, secondly, all your products will be in one bag, so there will be no fear of losing the market or leaving it somewhere.

2) In Marketing -

After buying clothes or shopping for yourself or for your family, please ask the seller to put my goods in a cloth bag when taking the goods from the seller. Plastic harms the environment. You can try a little to create awareness among other people.

3) In pharmacy-

Although the health sector is a poor pharmacy, it is often seen that medicines are given in small plastic bags. This is how many plastics are coming home with you every day. So from now on, if you want to buy medicine from the pharmacy, you must ask for a paper bag.

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4) Emergency Plastics-

There are some plastic items or bags that you don't need to use. In the case of these bags or plastic products, you must try to ensure reuse. Try to use it again and again instead of throwing it away, at least one thing is used for a long time without coming to a new house and the new use of plastic is reduced a little.

5) Use if necessary-

If you have no choice but to use plastic, then you should avoid using plastic less than 40 microns. All plastics are harmful to the environment but less than 40 micron plastic does not mix easily with the soil so if you have to use it, try to use more than 40 micron plastic.

There are many factories in our country where numerous plastic bags are manufactured daily, also plastic is imported from abroad. Even though the government and law enforcement agencies have occasionally sealed these factories, they are being made again, and the main reason behind this is because we are using them. There is demand so it is not possible to stop the production. But if we ourselves are a little aware and reduce the use of plastic, then we do not have to wait very long to send plastic from its production and environment to exile.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১, ২০১৪ 2:59 pm


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