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Michael Jackson wanted to make an exact clone of himself

The Dhaka Times Desk Michael Jackson is a legendary name, as he has made many achievements in the world of music while he was alive, he has been much more discussed by doing various critical works. This time, even after his death, he came to the discussion again due to keeping his own sperm in three places.


Michael Jackson sent his sperm to some of the world's most famous scientists. Under their supervision, these sperms are stored in three famous laboratories in three countries of the world. Michael Jackson wanted to make a carbon copy of himself which, if successful, would have led to more Michael Jacksons being made. Michael wanted to create some miniature version of himself that would then sing to the world even if Michael was not on earth.

Michael spent millions of dollars to clone himself. Michael Jackson decided to clone himself shortly after the world's first sheep clone 'Dolly' was born. Michael's own clones are detailed in the book 'The Battle for Michael Jackson's Soul' by Michael's biographer Luckman Ber.

C. Lackmann was convinced of this after various researches and inquiries about Michael. He mentions the whole matter in his book with various references. This writer also said that Michael's sperm is still being researched. Hopefully one day Michael's clone will be on Earth. That clone will sing the same song as Michael that day.

formula- Times of India

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