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The event of 10 Muharram Karbala and its significance

The Dhaka Times Desk 10th of Muharram is an eventful day in Muslim history. What happened on the 10th of Muharram Karbala is written as a sad story in Muslim history. But not just a tragic story, 10 Muharram is a very significant day in Muslim history.

10 Muharram

The first month of the Arabic Hijri year is the month of Muharram. The importance of this month is immense. On the 10th day of this month many historical events have become famous in history. Ashura day is not only celebrated in honor of Hazrat Hussain (R.A.) or others who were martyred on that day in the field of Karbala, but the reason is that many events happened on the 10th of this month of Muharram. Ashura is in this month. Ashura is the plural of Ashirun. It means the conjunction of the tenth date, i.e. the events that took place on the 10th of the month of Muharram. An event from the beginning of the world is connected with it. All the Muslims of the world therefore commemorate this day by making Tazia. The sad incident of Karbala haunts every Muslim.

10 Muharram-02
This is how the Shia Muslim community remembers this day by shedding their own blood

Some of the many events that take place on the 10th day of Muharram are:

1. Hazrat Adam (as) was created on the day of Ashura. Again on this day he entered Paradise. It was on this date that he was sent from heaven to earth and after many years on this date, he and Bibi Hawa (a.s.) met again in Jabal Rahmat on the Maidan of Arafat and they were forgiven.

2. On this 10th day of Muharram, Hazrat Idris (A.S.) was raised to the sky.

3. On the 10th of this Muharram, Hazrat Nuh (as) was saved from storm and flood waters.

4. On this 10th of Muharram, Hazrat Ayyub (A.S.) was released after 18 years of illness.

5. On this 10th of Muharram, Hazrat Ibrahim Khalilullah (AS) was rescued from the fire pit.

6. On this 10th day of Muharram, Hazrat Dawood (A) was pardoned and Hazrat Sulaiman (A) was given back his lost kingdom.

7. On this 10th day of Muharram, Hazrat Yunus (A.S.) was released after 40 days in the belly of a fish.

8. On this day of Ashura, Hazrat Yakub (A) met his lost son, Hazrat Yusuf (A).

9. On this 10th day of Muharram, Hazrat Musa (as) was freed from the grip of Pharaoh.

10. On this date of Ashura, Hazrat Isa (as) was lifted up to the sky.

11. Our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) migrated from Makkah Sharif to Madinah Sharif on this date of Ashura.

12. On this 10th day of Muharram, a fragment of the liver of the Prophet (PBUH), the jewel of Fatima (RA), Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and 77 of his relatives and close friends were brutally martyred in Karbala desert, on the banks of the Euphrates river by the soldiers of the tyrant Yazid.

A few quotes from Al-Qur'an-e-Kareem and Hadith Sharif about the sanctity of this month and the specialness of Ashura:

Muharram is one of the 4 forbidden months of Islam. Regarding the counting of the year and the months, Allah the Exalted has said that, 'Indeed, the counting of the months on the day when the heavens and the earth were created are twelve months with Allah, of which 4 are forbidden months. Do not oppress these things among yourselves. And fight the polytheists as they fight you, and know that Allah is with the righteous' (Surah At-Tawba, verse 36).

Fighting is forbidden in the month of Maharam. However, if the opponent is a disbeliever-polytheist and attacks, then it is permissible to fight them and defeat them. In this context, it is narrated from Muqatil Ibn Hayyan and Ibn Jurayz (RA), 'A group of Companions met a group of polytheists in the month of Muharram. Then the Muslim side wanted to restrain the opponent, so that they would not fight in the month of Haram. Then the polytheists refused and vowed to fight and suddenly attacked them. Then the Muslims resisted them and engaged in battle. Then Almighty Allah Rabbul Alamin granted them victory (Ibn Kachir, Tafseer Ibn Kachir, Vol. 5, 449).

Thus, the significance of the month of Fazilat on 10 Muharram is endless. On this day, worshipers perform worship to gain closeness to the great Rabbul Alamin. This day of 10 Muharram or Ashura is observed with great importance by all the Muslim communities of the world. Because the tragic events of Karbala and the eternal words of the holy Ashura inspire us to stand against injustice and oppression.

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