Categories: tutorial

[Tutorial] Turn your desktop and laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspot

The Dhaka Times Desk These days almost all types of smartphones can be used to share the internet or create internet hotspots. But laptops and desktops don't have this facility, especially Windows PCs. If you want to get this facility on laptop and desktop, you have to use third party software.

Although this facility is provided in case of some laptops, most laptops do not support internet sharing especially those running on Windows operating system. However, there is an option of default internet sharing in iMac and MacBook through which the user can share the internet used by him. But for Windows you have to use third party software. You will find many such software online but among them connectify software is the best. One thing you should know is that you need a hotspot USB adapter to get hotspot feature on your desktop or laptop. But let's know the usage of connectify software-

1. Download and install the Connectify software and then restart the PC.
2. Now turn on the Internet connection of your PC and launch the Connectify software.
3. Then go to the Settings tab and click on the 'Create a Wi-Fi Hotspot' button under it.
4. Under Internet to share you will find a drop down menu. From here select the connection you want to share. The app works on both wireless and wired connections.
5. Connectify provides Wi-Fi password generation facility. Click Start Hotspot to activate it.

Mac Computer:

However, Mac users do not need to use such third-party software. Mac has default internet sharing feature, you can easily share internet using it. What needs to be done for this is-

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1. Open System Preferences and go to Sharing and select Internet Sharing.
2. Select the connection you want to share by selecting the drop down menu on the right. In this case you can share whatever you use via USB, Bluetooth or Ethernet.

3. Now select Wi-Fi option. From here you need to fix the network name, security type and enter the password.

If your Mac's Internet connection is turned on, you'll see a green icon next to Internet Sharing On when you go to System Preferences. This will tell if your Mac is acting as a hotspot.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২, ২০১৭ 12:20 am

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