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The American bride came to Bangladesh and married a Bangladeshi young man!

The Dhaka Times Desk An American bride came to Bangladesh and married a Bangladeshi young man after meeting on social media Facebook. The incident happened in Sylhet.

Relationships through Facebook, Skype, and cell phones lead to marriage. 36-year-old Bangladeshi youngster Abdul Ahad got into such a sweet relationship with an American woman. They finally tied the knot after a long relationship with 47-year-old American girl Ingrid Zenith. Engrit Zenith's marriage with Abdul Ahad was completed last Sunday in Sylhet.

Abdul Ahad, the first son of Md. Abdul Qadir and Minara Khatun of Shahi Eidgah Hazaribagh area of Sylhet city, was met just 3 months ago by Ingrith Zenith, the daughter of deceased Rabam Ling Mencil and Franiska Grothriam, a resident of California, USA. The two of them talk through Facebook, Skype and mobile phones. At some point, a love relationship developed between them. American Engrit Zenith arrived in Sylhet to marry Abdul Ahad on October 30 due to love. These two people got married on Sunday night.

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Ingrith Zenith told the media that she came to Bangladesh and married Ahad because of her love. Zenith wore a red saree and ornaments like a Bengali bride while sitting at the wedding. Zenith, happily dressed as a bride, seemed to be the happiest person in the world.

Ahad told reporters, 'No one can say when love is born in the heart of people. I love Engrit Zenith. Today I took her home with the status of wife.' Abdul Ahad owns a children's clothing shop in Sylhet city. Ahad asked everyone to pray for their happy married life.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৫, ২০১৪ 12:11 pm

Staff reporter

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