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Where men lag behind women!

The Dhaka Times Desk Women's senses are much more sensitive than men's. Although this matter has been known for a long time, it has now been established through research that women's sense of smell is much stronger and more efficient than men's.


Inside the human brain is the olfactory bulb. Its main function is to identify if there is any smelly air blowing in a certain area and give an accurate idea about the smell. All information about the smell of anything around us is primarily stored in the olfactory bulb part of the brain. From here, after various bleslations, it is determined exactly what it smells like and as such our brain tells us what odors are overwhelming the environment.

Recently, a group of Brazilian researchers succeeded in counting the number of olfactory bulbs in the human brain. Researchers at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro have demonstrated this success in a very short period of time. They applied their results to men and women and tried to see whether women or men had more or fewer olfactory bulbs in their brains.

The researchers said they collected brains from the bodies of 7 dead men and 11 dead women and conducted research on them. They found in this study that women have 43 percent more cells in this part of the brain than men. As a result, it can undoubtedly be said that women have a stronger sense of smell than men! As a result, women are ahead of men in this aspect.

formula- Medicalnewstoday

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