The Dhaka Times
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Windows operating system running on iPhone 6 Plus!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, a programmer managed the Windows operating system on the iPhone 6 Plus. A Chinese programmer has done this rare work of using Windows operating on iPhone.


The Chinese programmer ran Windows 95 on the iPhone 6 Plus using the iDos simulator. By doing this, many people are giving wow wow to that programmer. This is the first instance of running a Windows operating system on an iPhone. When asked how he set up Windows on iPhone 6 Plus, the programmer said that he did this in a special process using the iDos simulator. However, when asked whether XP or Windows 7 can be given instead of Windows 95, he said, no, it is not possible for now. \


He also said, I am working to update it more. But still haven't had success with any Windows after Windows 95. Many programmers use simulators to play advanced versions of games on their iPhones. Many people use simulators to enhance various programs and capabilities of the phone. However, this time the complete operating system change has aroused a lot of response.

formula- TechCrunch

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