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A 'corpse' spoke in the freezer!

The Dhaka Times Desk If suddenly a dead body in the cold room starts talking, is there any other way but to scream? Just such an incident happened. A 'corpse' spoke in the cold room. The incident happened in Poland.

dead & Survivors

Much like a fairy tale. We have heard many fairy tales. Especially hearing about ghosts makes our hair stand on end. Such a fairy tale story happened in Poland. Employees at a hospital in Poland were shocked when a dead body started talking. He was startled like a ghost.

The story goes like this: A pregnant woman is kicked in the stomach by her own husband. He became unconscious. When the woman was brought to the hospital, the doctors declared her brought dead. According to the law, he was sent to the morgue for post-mortem. As usual, Dom arrived and started preparing for the woman's autopsy. But the power went out just before the autopsy. His body was forced to be left in the freezer. The next morning Dom came and saw the woman sitting next to many dead bodies. A small child in his lap!

91-year-old woman Janina Kollwiesz was kept in the morgue's freezer, thinking she was dead in the strange incident that happened in Poland. He was to be cremated two days later. But only 11 hours later, the woman moved to the morgue. The woman asked the dome of the freezer, 'Why is it so cold?'

It is known that Janina Kalviage was quickly taken to her home with first aid. After taking a bath in hot water, Colviage said that he was feeling better now. BBC news.

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