The Dhaka Times
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Laptop can be found at a discount fair!

The Dhaka Times Desk Hearing the news of getting a discount, everyone will proceed with interest, this is normal. Yes, in such a discount fair, laptops can be found at low prices!

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Smart Technologies, a technology marketing company, has announced that it will be offering a discount fair on laptops of various brands at low prices. They say that they will sell laptops of various brands at attractive discounts in the discount fair. After this announcement, those interested in buying the laptop are looking forward. For those who have been wanting to buy a laptop for a long time but are not financially fit, this opportunity is like a 'Golden Sohaga'.

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According to Smart Technologies sources, HP brand laptops will be available at the minimum price of 15,000 taka, Toshiba at 18,000 taka, Smart and Dell laptops will be available at 19,990 taka.

It should be noted that this 'Discount Fair' organized for 4 days will start from November 20 at the capital's military museum grounds and continue till November 23.

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