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Run popular Firefox OS apps on Android phones!

The Dhaka Times Desk We Android users cannot use apps other than apps that run on Android's operating system. However, Firefox operating system is becoming quite popular recently. We can run Firefox operating system apps on our Android operating system if we want.


To run the popular Firefox OS apps on Android phones, you must first install the Mozilla Firefox Android version of the browser. Click here to install Firefox Browser for Android.

Once the browser is installed, open your browser and you will see the address of the Mozilla Firefox App Store. From here you can install your favorite app and use it on your set.


Firefox is a modern operating system with the help of which you can run apps on Android as well. Firefox apps are built with HTML5 version of the language so it supports Android.

Special Warning - To use Mozilla Firefox app, Firefox browser must be installed on the device. Otherwise the installed apps will not work.

Let us know for more tips.

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