The Dhaka Times
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Some great pictures, not to be missed

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes you don't have to explain everything, pictures do the talking. Today we have brought you some pictures that you will love to see. Pictures are created from aesthetic thought. A lot has come up here, let's take a look.


In the pictures you will see a mixture of reality with human hand drawn images. Along with various problems of the society, cartoon characters have also emerged here. Let's take a look at these pictures one by one.

1) The cartoon figure with the sanitary pipe in the image below is presented in a way that looks suggestive of something else.


2) What do you think of this picture? Yes, the way our roads have become jammed these days has meant that we move slowly as if we were cutting a rope on the road.


3) In this picture the child's head is designed in such a way that the upper part matches with a tree in the background.


4) The carpet of the elevator floor is provided in such a way that it is like jumping up in fear.


5) Watch the scene. The mind will be filled. A real person and a character painted on the wall. It looks like a complete reality.


6) Behind the Scenes.


7) Although it looks real, it is an image.


8) Zebra crossing on the road is made with an amazing idea. Here an emotion is given in such a way that it seems to be eating.


9) Look at the cat, actually it's a picture but the chain is real.


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