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A mother killed 25 Taliban to avenge the murder of her child!

The Dhaka Times Desk A mother killed 25 Taliban to avenge the killing of her child. The incident took place in Farah province in the western part of Afghanistan.

Afghan mom kills 25 Taliban militants

Only mother knows how much her child is dear to mother. The child in your stomach is nurtured with great difficulty. Even after giving birth, he keeps that child in return for everything. And that is why 'mother' is said to be one of the most beloved words and things in the world. That mother cannot accept any neglect of the child or any harm to the child. The Afghan mother could not do it either. He became desperate to avenge the killing of his son.

To avenge the murder of her son, the Afghan mother killed 25 Taliban terrorists one by one in the western province of Farah, according to local media.

The mother's son, identified as Reza Gul, was killed by Taliban terrorists in a village in Farah province. His son was leading a small police force stationed in the village.

Mother Reza Gul recently killed 25 Taliban in a gunfight to avenge her child's murder. One of her daughters and the wife of the dead son helped the Afghan mother in the gunfight.

It should be noted that the western Farah province of Afghanistan is known as the most unstable and insecure region. Taliban terrorists often attack various government facilities in the province.

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