The Dhaka Times
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A parent threw his child on the street thinking he was a witch!

The Dhaka Times Desk Parents do many things for their children. But there are also parents who push their children away. This is exactly what happened. A parent threw his child on the street thinking he was a witch!

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According to media reports, a superstitious parent threw his two-year-old son on the street thinking he was a magician.
It is known that about eight months ago, the family members left the child on the streets claiming that he has magical powers. The child had somehow survived by eating food left by passers-by. This happened recently in Nigeria.

Recently, this child came to the attention of a charity called African Children's Aid Education and Development.
Löwen, the founder of this institution, gave the child water to drink and wrapped him in a blanket and took him to the hospital. There, blood was given to the body of this anemic child. After the necessary treatment, the child's condition is now stable. Loewen named the baby Hope.

Over $100,000 in aid has already been received after applying for help for Hope online. Loewen has announced that the money will cover the medical expenses of the child Hope, as well as a hospital for abused children.

Loewen said on his Facebook page, "Thousands of children are accused of being witches or wizards here."

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