The Dhaka Times Desk We sometimes read the news of market gain in fake products. But this time a new fake item 'fake egg' is coming in the market, China is making these artificially made eggs. Such alarming news has been found on the internet.
According to the information received in an internet journal, these fake eggs are being artificially made. These eggs look like real eggs. However, everything from the yolk inside these eggs is artificial and fake. China is making these eggs. However, it is not known whether it is being marketed in Bangladesh or elsewhere.
According to that information, sodium acid, serice glue, water, sodium benzoate, carboxymanthol, cellulose, calcium carbide, lysine, special food colors, calcium chloride, paraffin wax, gypsum powder, alum, etc. are used in making these eggs. Lemon color yellow powder is used to make egg yolk. These are then mixed and poured into an egg-shaped plastic mold with so-called 'magic water', which is calcium chloride mixed with eggs.
These fake eggs are being made in China's Guangdong province. Which is being marketed in other cities of China. The wholesale price of an egg is set at 0.15 yuan (0.03 to the dollar).
Meanwhile, a researcher from a Chinese university has already given a warning about this egg. He thinks that eating this egg for a long time can cause various physical problems including hallucinations.
However, no trace of this egg has been found in Bangladesh yet. But since people of Bangladesh are used to buying things at low cost, it can enter the market of Bangladesh at any time. Everyone should be aware of this.
This post was last modified on জুন ২২, ২০১৬ 10:12 am
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