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92 people have been killed so far in the mosque bomb attack in Nigeria

The Dhaka Times Desk Mosque bombings are not stopping. This time there was a bomb attack on a mosque in Nigeria. 92 people have been killed so far in the brutal bombing incident.

Nigeria mosque bombing

A series of bombings took place in mosques in Nigeria last Friday. At least 92 people were killed and 120 injured. Kano State Joint Force Spokesperson Captain Ikechukwu AJ told the media that the bomb blast occurred around 2pm local time.

Nigeria mosque bombing-2

Hundreds of worshipers gathered at the central mosque in Kano city to listen to the Friday prayer sermon. The city of Kano is located 423 kilometers north of the capital Abuja.

Eyewitnesses told the media that the sky was covered with smoke from far away. After the explosion, gunshots were also heard from there.

The worshipers said that within a few seconds, two bombs exploded inside the mosque with a loud sound. A third bomb exploded in the street. Immediately after the blast, the police opened fire fearing a possible attack.

Rescue workers said that the death toll is expected to rise as several of the injured are in serious condition.
However, no one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

It should be noted that Nigerian government officials usually blame the radical Takfiri terrorist group 'Boko Haram' for such attacks.

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