Categories: special news

Youth can change this country: the story of four enterprising youths

The Dhaka Times Desk Only Bengali youth of solar energy can change this country. One day the youth of this country jumped into the independence war of twenty-two language movements. And in the current situation only the youth of this country can change this country. Four youths voluntarily built a bamboo hut in Ghaghat river in Gaibandha. So that thousands of people will benefit.

Fifty two to seventy one. After that, the youth of this country were in the leadership in all the mass uprisings of the 90s. They can accomplish many impossible things if they wish. The context of today's Bangladesh is also very similar. If the youth of the society comes forward without looking only at the government help, it is possible to achieve many impossible things. As the four youths of Gaibandha set an example. They are self-motivated
Gaibandhar voluntarily built a 170 feet long bamboo bridge in Ghaghat river. Sankoti was constructed next to Bheramara railway bridge in Kholahati Union of Gaibandha Sadar Upazila.

Recently this bridge was opened for the movement of people and light vehicles (bicycles, motorcycles, rickshaws etc.). Sanko is shaped by four young men Abdul Latif, Saidar Rahman, Farid Mia and Ershad Mia. Now their names are on everyone's lips. To the locals, they are now a 'great hero' of good deeds.

It is known that thousands of people of different classes and professions including students and businessmen cross the Ghaghat Nader Bheramara railway bridge one and a half kilometers north of Gaibandha railway station for various needs. But their journey was very dangerous. This is because when the train suddenly came, there was no other option but to jump from the bridge. If you want to go by alternative route, you have to travel 7 kilometers along the Gaibandha-Sunderganj road and then travel to Gaibandha town. This problem is not of today, but of about five ages.

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According to local sources, the local people were often victims of accidents due to traveling through the railway bridge. A couple of months ago, Shahidul Islam, a primary school teacher in the area, met with an accident while crossing the Bheramara railway bridge. When the train arrived, he threw his motorcycle into the river and jumped into the river to save his life. This has happened before. Tara Mia, a member of the local union council, met with an accident while crossing the railway bridge. He is still bedridden at home with injuries.

According to media sources, 3 local social workers Farid, Saidar and Ershad Bheramara, led by local businessman Abdul Latif, planned to build a bamboo fence on the west side of the railway bridge. In response to their initiative, the people of the neighboring villages also provided financial support. After that, the four young men got down to the job of making Sanko. Local people also came forward to help them. Everyone spontaneously lends a helping hand. After 10 days of hard work, the bamboo plate was finally made.

Abdul Latif told the media, 'We got the proof of how the people of the village come forward for good deeds while doing this work. Locals gave 300 bamboos from their own bamboo groves. He also helped financially as much as he could. Many have worked hard. Their contribution is not less.'

Thousands of people in the area will benefit from this initiative of four youths. This time the concerned member of parliament will definitely take cognizance of the matter and make an effort to build a permanent bridge - that is what is expected.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৪, ২০১৪ 12:16 pm

Staff reporter

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