The Dhaka Times
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'Hridaye 71' hits the theaters in the month of Vijay

The Dhaka Times Desk 'Hridaye 71' is hitting theaters in the month of Vijay. This film based on liberation war is going to be released on December 12. The film is directed by Sadiq Siddiqui.

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The film 'Hridoye 71' based on the Liberation War is going to be released on December 12. This film will run simultaneously across the country including Dhaka. Based on the story of Rokeya Islam, the film is directed by Sadiq Siddiqui.

In the film 'Hridaye 71', various images of the Liberation War have been portrayed. The story of this film is mainly based on the story of a hero.

Director Sadiq Siddiqui said, 'We tried to release the film around December, the month of Victory. In this film, I have tried to bring some events of 1971 in front of everyone.

The movie 'Hridaye 71' starred Eman, Shahidul Alam Sacchu, Hira, Maruf, Ashraf, Kabir, Abbasullah Khan, Aamir, Uday Khan, Nishu Rahman and others.

Being the month of victory, this film 'Hridaye 71' about the liberation war is expected to create nationwide response.

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