The Dhaka Times Desk Once again the hands of the farmers have been raised. Farmers have faced huge losses in potato cultivation in the previous year. Now they have to count their loss by cultivating radish. Because 50 paise per kilogram of radish is being sold!
This collapse recently took place in the vegetable market in Badarganj upazila of Rangpur district. A bag of radish (40 kg) is being sold for just 20 taka in the wholesale market. That is, radishes are being sold for only 50 paise per kg. Cauliflower, cabbage and brinjal prices are also very low.
Farmers are in dire straits due to fall in the prices of vegetables during the peak season. Due to non-availability of radish price, many farmers are trampling radish in the field as organic fertilizer. Many people come to sell radishes and are in extreme poverty. Because the transportation cost of picking radish from the field and bringing it to the market is not rising. Many people are unable to take back their homes. In such a situation, the cost of production of vegetables is far from increasing, the farmers are in extreme trouble with vegetables.
Meanwhile, radishes are being sold at Tk 15 to Tk 40 per maund in the wholesale market. Cauliflower and cabbage are being sold for only 5 to 7 rupees per kg. Advanced varieties of brinjal 3 to 5 taka. But the price of beans is somewhat normal. Although the buyers are found in the retail market, radishes are being sold at the price of only Tk 20 per bag in the wholesale market. Still buyers are not found in the markets. Due to which the production cost is not raised by the farmers.
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৭, ২০১৪ 11:53 am
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