The Dhaka Times
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The German player's boots cost 24 million dollars!

The Dhaka Times Desk The boot of the German player who scored the valuable goal to defeat Argentina in the World Cup is worth 2.4 million dollars!

Germany 4 million dollars

Everyone remembers the World Cup final. Mario Gotsche came on as a substitute in the final between Argentina and Germany. German coach Joachim Löw originally put him on the field in the 88th minute of the match hoping for something good. Did Gotsche think that he was going to be the hero of the final when he got on the field! When he was sitting in the dugout wearing the boots, did he even think that a few days later this pair of boots would be auctioned as a great value!

That pair of boots will now be useful in the service of humanity! The pair of boots with which he sent the ball into Argentina's net in the final went for $2.4 million. The entire amount will be donated to a German charity dedicated to the welfare of children. All proceeds from the sale of the boots that Germany's Gotsche scored to win the World Cup for Germany for the fourth time will go to children's welfare.

This makes Mario Gotsche very happy and excited. The whole thing still stuck to him like a dream. Gotsche said, 'Unthinkable! Incredible! I never thought that a pair of boots given to my feet could sell for so much at auction. 24 million dollars is indeed a huge amount. It feels good to think that this money will be spent on a very good cause.'

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