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This time clothes will tell health news!

The Dhaka Times Desk No one can tell when someone will have a health condition. But researchers are going to simplify the equation. This time clothes will tell health news.

dress & health

A very natural thing is that when we are sick, we turn to the doctor. Doctors always give this test, that test. Then run back to the pathology center. After waiting for a day, take the test paper and then visit the doctor again. A dress of special arrangement is coming to get relief from the trouble of all these tests.

This special type of clothing will tell whether the blood sugar has increased or not, whether the heart is working properly or not, or what is the condition of the brain. So now, without looking at the test report paper, all the information will be collected and automatically sent to the wireless or cellphone network.

Such a dress has been developed by researchers at Laval University in Quebec, Canada. The special clothing, developed by researchers led by Leval University professor Yunus Mesaddek, consists of smart fabrics that are machined from a combination of copper, polymer, glass and silver.

Professor Mesaddek told the media that the fibers made of these will work as sensors and antennas at the same time. These fibers are durable, but flexible. He said, it is possible to weave this fiber with wool or yarn.

Professor Yunus also said that the physical condition of the wearer will be monitored at all times. Various information will be sent to the doctor through wireless or mobile network.

The paper was recently published in the journal Sensors. The research paper says that people who suffer from long-term illnesses or live alone in old age or firemen and police officers need to use these clothes more.

The researchers also said that the garment has already passed several tests. However, researchers have suggested that it will be kept under observation for a few more days for commercial use. They think, in the modern world, this clothing will be able to play a special role for people.

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