The Dhaka Times
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Today, the second round of 'War Child' is being released in Bangladesh.

The Dhaka Times Desk In the month of Victory, the second round of 'War Child' is being released in Bangladesh today. This Indian film based on Bangladesh's liberation war made in Bollywood is being released in 15 theaters in Bangladesh.


The Indian film 'Juddhashishu' based on Bangladesh's liberation war has been made in Bollywood. The film is being released in 15 theaters in Bangladesh in the month of Mahan Vijay. This liberation war based film was released across the country including Dhaka on May 16 this year. The movie is being released in 15 theaters across the country including Dhaka in the second phase today on December 12 ahead of the Great Victory Day. However, on the eve of the release of 'Juddhashishu' in the first phase, several film organizations opposed the release of Indian films in Bangladesh.


Bollywood film 'Juddhashishu' is being released in Bangladesh for the second time. The film's importer in Bangladesh is Khan Brothers. The movie 'Juddhashishu' directed by Mrityunjoy Devabrata was first released in India on 27 December 2013. Raima Sen, Victor Banerjee, Farooq Sheikh, Riddhi Sen, Indranil etc. played the lead roles in this film. The English title of the movie 'War Child' is 'Children of War: Nine Months to Freedom'.


Note that before the film was released, it was named 'The Bastard Child'. However, the name was changed later due to objections from the Censor Board.

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