The Dhaka Times
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'Atlas' is a huge amazing flower!

The Dhaka Times Desk Large flowers. Such a large flower has probably never been seen before. Such a huge flower bed has been found in Mexico. 2 meters in length and 75 kg in weight. This flower blooms for only 3 days every 40 years!
Local and central Sumatra, Indonesia, this flower is known as 'corpse flower'. However, there was not seen such a large size as in Mexico. This flower also has a nice smell. This flower is not only in that region, the people of that area said that it has never been seen anywhere else in the world except Indonesia. Every day thousands of visitors come here to see this giant flower. Everyone was overwhelmed by this flower. To reach the circumference of this monster sized flower, one has to cross 9 feet. This huge flowering plant is considered as this wonderful plant named 'Atlas'.

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