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Know how to get rid of family quarrels

The Dhaka Times Desk No one can swear that he has never been caught up in family quarrels since the beginning of his life. Quarrels are a normal rule. Know how to get rid of this family quarrel.

family quarrels

The sweeter the relationship, the more quarrels and quarrels there will be, this is a normal rule. The sooner these family issues are resolved the better. Because it is caused by a kind of misunderstanding. So if you hold on to it, it will gradually go from bad to worse. So it would be wise to settle through negotiation.

There are many people who are quarreling and suffering by harboring pride in their chests. And this is how the distance starts to be created in a long-term relationship. That's why both of them have to try to bring the relationship back to sweetness after the quarrel. By doing this, the respect for both will increase and on the other hand, the relationship will be long-lasting.

The first thing to do is try to settle the matter

You should try to resolve any dispute, big or small. The more you hold on to the matter, the more it will affect your relationship. So give up the attitude of sitting and assuming. Try to settle whatever the quarrel is about. Forget the previous matter and settle the matter till then.

Remember to spend sweet time together

Remembering the sweet times spent with your loved ones will reduce your anger. So think like that. After a fight, you may think that your partner does not love you, you are not happy in life, etc. But if you remember the sweet memories you spent together, your anger will go away. There will be no tension in the relationship with the person of the heart even after the quarrel.

Think how much you love each other

You know very well how much you love each other. It is not right to take a wrong decision out of anger because of a minor quarrel. If you spend time in anger, nothing will be done. If you want to make the relationship last, you need to have an attitude of compromise. But if you think you've made a mistake, apologize. Express how much love you have for each other.

Apologize to both of you without thinking of who is at fault

One can be the cause of the quarrel. It can be caused by one person. But if you hold on to it, you will not get the solution. So both should come forward with an attitude of forgiveness. So both should apologize to whoever is at fault to rekindle the relationship. The reason is that even if one of them made a mistake, both of them made a quarrel. Apologizing will create new love for each other.

Not by force, everything will be done through discussion

Nothing can be forced. So discuss everything you do. Your partner may not think so. So try to convince him and manage. If he doesn't want to understand, try anyway. One day you will be successful.

Do something different

It is normal that your family environment has become miserable due to quarrels. But after a fight, do something for your partner that will instantly put a smile on his face. If there was a quarrel at night, send a loving message to your partner in the morning. You will see that everything is settled. Or have a fight in the morning, bring a gift that your partner won't turn away from when they come home from work in the evening. Therefore, if there is a quarrel or a dispute, it is wise to settle the matter wisely instead of sitting stubbornly. It is good for both.

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