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Social media can play a special role in the health of the elderly

The Dhaka Times Desk Social media can play a special role in the health of the elderly. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter or Skype can play this role. This information has come from a long-term study by experts at a British university.

Senior man using computer

Many may take it as a joke. But in the current context, social media can play a special role in the physical and mental health of the elderly. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter or Skype can play this role. The information that has emerged from a long-term study. Experts from a British university have given this opinion after a long-term study.

Social media is playing a special role nowadays. These communication media have made everything very easy for people in this modern age. It is also possible to communicate with relatives living in other parts of the world through this Facebook or Skype at any time and very easily. Seniors can also avail this facility. They can stay in touch with their relatives regularly using this medium.

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Researchers claim that this bonding can give an elderly person peace of mind and can help them stay physically healthy.

The University of Exeter in Britain conducted this study on the psychological and physical effects of social media on the elderly. This study was conducted on several elderly people for 2 years. The participants included 76 people aged 60 to 90 years.

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Thomas Morton, the head of the research team, said, 'Humans are social animals. Human contact and involvement keeps people well. Especially being able to keep in touch with loved ones is also a matter of peace. It can also lead to peace of mind. One of the amazing things about being able to stay connected with social media is that it's also possible to stay physically fit.'

Researcher Morton also said, 'This study does not only show how social media can benefit the elderly. An attempt has also been made to show the necessity of technology in preserving social communication.'

Another part of the study found that training in the use of social media can help professionals gain knowledge and improve performance. There is sufficient emphasis on mental and physical fitness. The study also provided training to seniors. Seniors also enjoyed keeping in touch with friends and relatives on Skype and email. Researchers think that their attitude towards computer use has become more positive than before. Considering all aspects, the researchers think that it will play a special role in the mental and physical aspects of the elderly.

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