The Dhaka Times
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Shakib shared the joy of Victory Day with autistic children

The Dhaka Times Desk Autistic children are people too. Everyone should stand by them. Cricket all-rounder Shakib Al Hasan showed such an attitude that comes in everyone. Shakib shared the joy of Victory Day with autistic children yesterday.

Shakib & autistic children
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People in society do not think that way about autistic children. But standing by these autistic children applies equally to all classes of society.

Shakib Al Hasan, an outstanding all-rounder of world cricket, brought these issues to mind. He shared the joy of victory with autistic children yesterday on the eve of Great Victory Day.

The world's best all-rounder spent a different kind of time with autistic children at the office of Society for the Welfare of Autistic Children (SWAC) located in Shyamoli of the capital. Apart from spending time with autistic children, Shakib also eats lunch with the children. Even autistic children are overjoyed to meet this cricketer's son. Their joy was no longer holding. This was indeed a great gift for them on this Great Victory Day.

It should be noted that before this, Shakib Al Hasan, the world's best all-rounder, spent time with artistic children in September.

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