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Army chief's ultimatum to Nawaz Sharif to hang terrorists

The Dhaka Times Desk The Army Chief's 48-hour ultimatum to Nawaz Sharif to hang the terrorists is coming to an end. The army chief gave this ultimatum to hang more than 3 thousand terrorists.

Army chief

General Raheel Sharif, the country's army chief, set a time limit for Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to hang more than 3,000 terrorists within 48 hours. This army chief has already highlighted his strict position on the Taliban issue. He gave this ultimatum in a tweet.

Responding to the school attack in Pakistan's Peshawar, Army Chief General Raheel Sharif tweeted, 'Enough is enough. Now direct action will be taken against those who speak for the militants.'

He said, 'As a countermeasure to the attack on the school, the army has carried out a terrible air strike in Khyber province. At least 10 airstrikes were carried out in the last one hour.

The Pakistani army chief wrote a stern warning to the Taliban, 'Pakistani troops are moving towards you Taliban, you will be destroyed. They will not kill your children and women, because they are not cowards like you.'

He further said, 'Pakistanis stand by the army, support Operation Jarbai-i Azab. There will be no Taliban on the soil of this country, God willing.'

Retaliating against the attack in Peshawar, the Pakistani army chief said, "I want to tell the Pakistani Taliban that you have killed our children." Now you will see its dire consequences, be prepared to pay the price. The army will avenge every drop of blood for all the souls killed. This is my oath.'

It should be noted that terrorists attacked an educational institution controlled by the army in Peshawar, Pakistan on December 16 and killed 141 people. They took about 500 students hostage.

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