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What to do if the ankle hurts

The Dhaka Times Desk Heel pain is seen by many people lately. You have to walk in it. What to do in case of ankle pain will be discussed today.

the ankle pain

In recent times, many people have heard about ankle pain. This is especially common in those in their forties. The main reason is weight gain. Due to the excess weight, Bai's ankle cannot support the weight of the body. And so the pain in the ankle is felt. That's why it's hard to walk.

How to cure this ankle pain will be discussed today. Doctors first say to lose weight. Losing weight will automatically heal the pain. But initially doctors give some pain killers. It is for those who have more pain.

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Weight loss is very important for those in their forties. Because if the weight is not under control, your risk of diabetes will also remain. So weight must be controlled.

Learn some effective tips to manage ankle pain. It will prevent ankle pain and other risks including diabetes will not exist.

Woman Standing on Scale

# First of all, you should always use soft shoes for heel pain. Be it leather shoes or rubber sandals, very soft ones should be used. So that the ankle feels less pain.

# should minimize the movement as much as possible. It is better not to rush without need.

# Try not to stand for long periods of time, especially on hard surfaces.

# Do not lift heavy objects. Eg: It is better not to carry heavy market bags, buckets full of water.

# While going up the stairs, keep the spine straight and rise slowly with the support of the hands. Reduce the use of ankles as much as possible during movement.

# No exercise is better when pain is severe.

# High heeled shoes are strictly prohibited for women.

# To reduce body weight, eat bread in the morning and at night. And foods that are high in calories should be avoided for now.

If you follow the above rules, ankle pain will be cured immediately. But if you see that the pain is prolonged then consult a doctor. But remember that it will be better for the body if the ankle pain can be cured by following the rules rather than taking medicine.

Anyone can follow these rules. You can live a healthy and beautiful life.

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