The Dhaka Times
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Prabha is going to enter films

The Dhaka Times Desk TV's critically acclaimed actress Sadia Jahan Prabha is now going to enter films. It is heard that he can be seen in the movie 'Crime Road' directed by Simon Tariq.


It was recently heard that model and actress Sadia Jahan Prabha, who has been widely criticized in Bangladeshi media, will act in the movie. This controversial actress is really going to make her film debut. It has been reported that discussions are going on between the filmmaker and the producer. Prabha will reportedly be seen in a film titled 'Crime Road' directed by Simon Tariq.


Simon Tariq told the media about this, 'The auspicious occasion of the movie 'Crime Road' will be held on December 31 of the current year. Although not all the actors have been selected till now. Prabha is being talked about in this film. If everything goes well then Prabha will play the heroine of this film.'


On the other hand, Sadia Jahan Prabha told the media that, 'I still don't know the story of the film. Know about the story first. I will work if I like the story. The matter can be confirmed after a few days.'

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