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Breaking News: Kaiser hanged for crimes against humanity

The Dhaka Times Desk The court has hanged the former Kurkaiser for crimes against humanity. Former leader of Jatiya Party, former state minister Syed Mohammad Qaiser was sentenced to death by the International Criminal Tribunal-2.


The International Criminal Tribunal-2 sentenced former Jatiya Party leader and former State Minister for Agriculture Syed Mohammad Qaiser to death for crimes against humanity. During the Liberation War, the Razakar commander of Habiganj sub-division, who formed an allied force of the Pakistani army under the name of 'Kaiser Bahini' and committed war crimes, was given the maximum sentence as 14 of the 16 charges of murder, genocide, torture, detention, extortion of ransom, arson, looting and conspiracy were proved. the court

This verdict was announced on the morning of Tuesday, December 23, by a 3-member tribunal consisting of Justice Obaidul Hasan, the chairman of the International Criminal Tribunal-2, Justice Shahinur Islam, a member of the panel of judges, and Justice Md. Mujibur Rahman Mia. The judgment of Kaiser's case was announced today Tuesday from 11:05 am to 12:15 pm. Tribunal Chairman Justice Obaidul Hasan read the summary of the 484 page judgment of para 1661.

Accused Kaiser was charged with 16 crimes against humanity. 3(2)(a), 3(2)(c), 3(2)(g), 3(2)(i), 20(2) and 4(1) of the International Crimes (Tribunals) Act, 1973 Among these charges brought according to the section were the murder-genocide of 152 people, the rape of 2 women, the detention of 5 people, kidnapping, torture, ransom and the burning and looting of more than two hundred houses.

Among these allegations, all the allegations except number 4 and 15 have been proved. Out of the 14 proven charges, the court has ordered the death penalty in 7, i.e. 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 16. He has been sentenced to life imprisonment on 4 counts i.e. 1, 9, 13 and 14. In addition, he has been sentenced to 10 years in charge No. 2, 7 years in charge No. 7 and 5 years in charge No. 11, a total of 22 years. Kaiser was acquitted of unproven charges number 4 and 15.

It should be noted that in 1971, Syed Qaiser was first a member of Habiganj sub-district peace committee and the commander of Razakar. During the liberation war, he formed an allied force with 500/700 anti-independence men named 'Kaiser Bahini' to help the Pakistani army. He himself was the head of that force. Named 'Kaiser's Army', this force also had its own uniform.

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