The Dhaka Times Desk The touch of the change of time has now also affected the village-Bangla. The traditional village of Bengal is on the verge of extinction today. With the touch of modernity, the farmers of village-Bangla are losing their value day by day. Now even the village has electricity - so there is no need for a threshing machine to make rice.
With electric mills for breaking paddy, rice flour and rice, now farmers can easily break rice, flour and rice in less time and at less cost. So the farmers are not keeping the traditional sheds at home. They are becoming dependent on electric mills. The battered paddy rice, khichuri, kheer and chira had plenty of self-taste and vitamins.
In those earlier days, the housewives of the farmers had to work hard to thresh the paddy and break the rice and rice. With the electric mill for breaking rice, the housewives of the farmers do not have to struggle to break the rice and make rice, flour and rice.
At present, two farmers of the village are seen in the houses. In the not too distant future, the village farmers may no longer see the traditional dhekki in their homes. In the course of time, the centuries-old tradition of rural Bengal will be lost - which still carries the heritage of our country.