The Dhaka Times
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Jihad returned, but a corpse! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Death applies to all. But not all deaths can be accepted. My hands are really shaking while writing about such an incident today. 3 and a half year old Ziyad fell into the Wasar pump at around 3 o'clock on Friday. But many attempts to rescue the survivors failed. Jihad really returned today, but as a corpse!

Ziad and his return

Death is a systematic human thing. But we cannot accept all deaths. After falling into the water pump of Shahjahanpur Railway Colony yesterday, many private organizations including the fire service came forward to rescue Ziad. The rescue operation went on throughout the night. During the night, WASA Managing Director and State Minister of Home Affairs were present and supervised the rescue operation. After sending a special camera at 3 o'clock in the night, it is said that no one fell here because there was nothing but some sacks. Still, the fire service continued the operation in the face of the demands of the residents.

Ziad and his return-2

Some time before the rescue of Ziad today, the fire service announced the end of the rescue operation. After some time, around 3 o'clock in Pone, Ziyad was rescued as a result of the tireless efforts of volunteers of some private organizations. A furnace-sized cage was made and it was sent with a camera and baby Ziad was rescued.

Watch the recovered video

Meanwhile, the local public erupted in protest after the recovery of Ziad's body as the fire service declared the end of the rescue operation. This protest is still going on in Kamalapur area. Locals vandalized the local office of the city corporation. They started protesting. People demanded fair trial.

Millions of people across the country prayed for Zia after watching the rescue operation on TV overnight. But no one has control over God's will. Therefore, the prayers of so many millions of people of the country have not been successful. Child Ziad could not be rescued alive. That Ziyad returned, but as a corpse. The cry of the mother of Jihad shook not only the Shahjahanpur area, but the entire country. But that Jihad returned to his mother's lap, but not alive, but as a corpse.

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