The Dhaka Times
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On Monday morning-evening hartal across the country of 20 party alliance

The Dhaka Times Desk BNP-led 20-party alliance has called morning-evening hartal across the country next Monday. This hartal has been called for various demands, including not allowing Khaleda Zia to hold a public meeting in Gazipur and the arrest of Gayeshwar Chandra Roy.

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The BNP-led 20-party alliance has called a morning-evening strike across the country on Monday, December 29. This hartal has been called for various demands, including not allowing Khaleda Zia to hold a public meeting in Gazipur and the arrest of Gayeshwar Chandra Roy.

BNP Acting Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced this program after the meeting of 20 party alliance secretaries on Saturday afternoon.

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