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It is really Neymar! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Is it really Neymar? A question that anyone can ask. The reason for this is that the way Neymar is seen in the film is really Neymar?


It seems difficult to find a person who does not know Neymar. Anyone who sees Neymar in the picture can tell it is Neymar's picture. But there's no way to tell from the picture that it's Neymar. But this is a picture of Neymar.

On the occasion of the 'big day', the star player of Brazil, Neymar da Silva, left Spain and flew to his country in the midst of a long break in Spanish football. Neymar took to the field to play a charity match last Friday on Boxing Day. But the fans had to be very fast to find Neymar on the field. Because no one could have imagined that Neymar could have such a look.

Looking at the picture, it is understood that Neymar, who was only 22 years old, looked like an 80-year-old man with a mature mustache and beard. Neymar entered the field like Santa Claus with white paint on his mustache and beard. This world-famous star player, Neymar, may have dressed up like this to surprise everyone.

Watch Neymar's video

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