The Dhaka Times
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A mother's body: a small child in a bag for a trip!

The Dhaka Times Desk You can't help but be surprised by the actions of a mother. She packed her little baby in a bag to travel.

A mother & baby bags

Mothers sometimes do things that make pitti burn. A 26-year-old mother named Jue Jose has done such an act. She carried her 9-month-old baby in a designer handbag while visiting her friend's house. Hand bag hanging like a market bag!

baby in hand bag-02

Her mother is carrying the handbag, and only the baby's face is sticking out of the bag. Posting this picture, the baby's mother wrote again, Designer baby. She also wrote that every mother should have such a bag.

As soon as this picture was posted, the social networking site was flooded with criticism. Many people abused that woman. Many call it an inhuman act.

After hearing the criticism, however, the child's mother finally says, 'He did this just for fun.'

But what is his escape? The critics even abused the mother.

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