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Breaking news: DMP bans meetings in Dhaka

The Dhaka Times Desk Ahead of January 5, Dhaka Metro Metropolitan Police DMP has banned gatherings in Dhaka to prevent untoward incidents.

Dhaka Metro Metropolitan Police DMP said BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia was not blocked. Joint Commissioner of DMP Monirul Islam said this while answering various questions of journalists in a press briefing today.

Joint Commissioner Monirul Islam said, 'Khaleda Zia was not blocked. As a former prime minister and former opposition leader, only his security has been increased. Not only Khaleda Zia, no BNP leader has been blocked.'

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On the other hand, he said about the detention of BNP Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, 'Rizvi was not detained. There was no ambulance when he fell ill. That's why the police took him to the hospital.

In response to a question about January 5, he said, 'Some political party is planning to commit violence. However, Dhaka Metropolitan Police is ready to deal with all kinds of violence.

Meanwhile, all kinds of gatherings, processions and mass gatherings have been completely banned in the capital Dhaka from 5:00 p.m. this Sunday, ahead of January 5. This order was issued as DMP's Ordinance.

Meanwhile, car vandalism has occurred in several places since noon today. According to the latest news, Krishak League leader Idris Rahman was killed in a bomb attack at Islambagh in the capital.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০১৫ 5:12 pm

Staff reporter

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