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In Egypt, the queen's tomb was discovered 4,500 years ago!

The Dhaka Times Desk The tomb of a queen of 4500 years ago has been discovered in Egypt. Czech archaeologists discovered this ancient tomb at Abu Sar.

queen's tomb

According to media sources, an ancient tomb has been discovered in Abu Sar, Egypt. It was discovered by Czech archaeologists. It is believed to be the tomb of the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre, who ruled Egypt 4,500 years ago. This was reported by Daily News Online.

In a statement, Egypt's Minister of Antiquities, Mammoud al-Damaty, recently announced the discovery of the tomb. He said that no one knew the queen's name before the discovery of the tomb.

According to the news, this ancient royal cemetery is located in the Abu Sar area in the southwest of Cairo. There are also several pyramids of the fifth generation of pharaohs. Among these are the pyramids of Neferefri.

Minister of Archeology Mamdo Al-Damati also said that the queen's name is the third 'Khentakawes'. Earlier two queens were identified as Khentakawes.

But the reason to be certain is that the name and surname of the deceased are engraved on the inner wall of this newly discovered tomb. And from there the name of the queen is known.

The head of the Czech archaeological team, Miroslav Barta, said, "The discovery of the tomb from the tomb of King Neferefre confirmed his identity." It said the tomb also dates to the reign of the fifth pharaoh.

It should be noted that the fifth pharaoh Neferefre ruled Egypt from 2994 to 2345 BC. According to the Czech archeological team, all analyzes have confirmed that the tomb is a tomb of 4500 years ago. However, researchers continue to study this issue. References: Daily News

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