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Egypt will go against the US on the Jerusalem issue

Egypt is going to present a proposal to the UN Security Council that a single decision or declaration of a single country will not have legal validity.

The Dhaka Times Desk Trump has angered his allies after declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. This time, Egypt will propose against the United States on the Jerusalem issue.

জেরুজালেম ইস্যুতে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের বিপক্ষে যাবে মিশর 1

Egypt is going to present a proposal to the UN Security Council that a single decision or declaration of any one country will not be legally valid.

According to BBC news, the country of the Arab world is going to raise this proposal in protest against US President Donald Trump's recognition of the Holy Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Also, it is said that the proposal will mention that no other country should transfer its embassy to Jerusalem in support of the decision of the United States.

According to diplomatic experts, most members of the Security Council support Egypt's proposal, but the United States may oppose it. Experts are apprehensive about the proposal being passed as they can exercise veto power in this case.

On December 6, US President Donald Trump decided to move the US embassy from Tel Abid to Jerusalem and recognized the city as the capital of Israel. Since then, the entire world, including Muslim countries, has been protesting the decision of the US President.

The Palestinian people immediately took to the streets to protest Donald Trump's decision. There have been protests in various Muslim countries around the world. Meanwhile, clashes have erupted between protesters and Israeli security forces in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian West Bank.

Four Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli forces last Friday. In addition, Israeli security forces are abducting Palestinian children and torturing them to stop the protests.

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