The Dhaka Times
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Shubo and Mahi starrer 'Warning' will release on May 1

The Dhaka Times Desk Shubo and Mahi starrer 'Warning' was scheduled to release on January 9 but has been pushed back. This film will be released on May 1.


Arifin Shubo and Mahi starrer 'Warning' was all set to release on January 9 but was pushed back due to the political situation in the country. But despite the delay, the release date of 'Warning' has been fixed. According to the new date, this film is going to release on May 1. This is what the producer of the film Saiful Alam Khan said.


He said, 'We were fully prepared to release the film. A wide campaign was also carried out accordingly across the country. But suddenly the political situation of the country became hot and we had to think again about the release of the film. The World Cup cricket game is starting again next month. At that time, the attention of the countrymen will be on the game. Therefore, the month of February will not be a suitable time for the release of the film. Again it is difficult to get the desired date. Taking everything into consideration, a decision has to be made to fix the new release date of the film on May 1.'


It should be noted that Arifin Shubo and Mahi are going to appear in front of the audience as a pair for the second time through the film 'Warning'. The pair's first film was 'Agni'.

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