The Dhaka Times
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Multi-layered security ring: Today begins World Ijtema

The Dhaka Times Desk The 1st phase of Vishwa Ijtema started today through several layers of security. Muslims have already started arriving for the Biswa Ijtema organized on the Turag shores of Tongir. However, due to the blockade, many Muslims from far away will not be able to appear this time.

World Muslim Congregation begins

Biswa Ijtema has started today Friday with Am Bayan after Fajr prayer. Meanwhile, several layers of security have been cordoned off on the shores of Tongir's Turag in the wake of the World Ijtema. Strict security measures have also been taken around water, land and air routes. RAB, police and intelligence personnel in plain clothes surrounded the entire Biswa Ijtema Maidan.

World Muslim Congregation begins-2

This measure has been taken by the law and order forces a day before the commencement of Ijtema ceremony. There is also a special security for foreign guests. RAB's newly appointed Director General Benazir Ahmed observed the security situation on Thursday.

World Muslim Congregation begins-3

The members of the security forces have been spread from the Dhaka Mymensingh main road to the Ijtema Maidan. Separate control rooms for RAB, police and fire services have been set up here. RAB has 9 observation posts surrounding the entire Ijtema Maidan for overall security and surveillance. On the other hand, all suspicious hotels, rest houses, guest houses, slums and other suspicious places are being searched in Out Parameter, Center Parameter and Inner Parameter areas. All in all everything is ready to organize a fair and peaceful Ijtema.

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