The Dhaka Times
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A wonderful village: the door of every house is open day and night!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many types of villages are seen. But there is news of such an amazing village where the door of every house is open day and night.

One Village of surprise

A strange village where some houses have doors but no closets. That is, the door is not fixed at all. Anyone who hears such words will be surprised. But the story is true. A news that has come from various media. The event is India. There is a door to the room, but no closet. Udom situation at night. So he did not think that the thief would attack there. Never, because everyone in that village keeps their house doors open like that. An answer has also been found as to why he does such a thing. And that is, there is a fear among the people there that Shani Devi should fall in Kopanal. And so they keep the door open all the time. Because of such a belief and trust, no house in that village in India has a cupboard on the door.

The most surprising thing is that the door of the bank there is not even locked. In Shani Shingnapur, a village in western India, every house is so vulnerable.

According to the news media, the residents leave their money and jewelry behind the door and go outside to work. He also lives in Nirbhavana. Generations have been going on like this for ages.

According to AFP news, a housewife named Jayashree Garde said, "Many years ago, Shani Devi appeared in the dreams of the villagers. Devi says she will protect them all. Since then, such a custom has been going on in the village.'

Balasaheb Barud, a factory worker, said, 'Shani Devi is powerful and compassionate. If someone enters the house in the dark of night and steals, then by the grace of the goddess he will be forced to return to that house again in the morning.'

On the other hand, some villagers gave a slightly different comment. They said, 'They keep the door of the house lightly pressed at night to protect it from wild animals. The village was flooded 300 years ago. At that time the pillars of the goddess were made of iron and stone. Villagers worship the goddess with flowers.

On the other hand, the glass door of the village government bank UCO is also not fitted with any lock. An official of the bank, Nagendra Sehwat, said, 'They do not have any problem with such a system.'

According to the local administration sources, there are very few incidents of theft in the village. In 2010, a tourist visiting there complained that Rs 35,000 was stolen from his car. But it is an incident outside the village. The number of thieves and robbers and evil people is also less in that village.

Residents of the village believe that the tradition will continue forever. Goddess is the guardian of their village. Hotel manager Amit Sharma said, this is the specialty of our goddess. He is the guardian of the village.

However, many people cannot help but be surprised to hear about such incidents. Because theft-robbery is currently spreading like an epidemic in all corners of the world. But such an area which is an example of the present society. If all the places in the world were like this? References:

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