The Dhaka Times
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Amen Amen sounding Tongir's Turag arrow

The Dhaka Times Desk Amen Amen sounding Tongir's Turag arrow. The 1st phase of World Ijtema of Tabligh Jamaat, which is known as the second largest gathering in the Muslim world, is ending today with Akhiri Monajat.

Turag arrows

The 1st phase of World Ijtema of Tabligh Jamaat, which is known as the second largest gathering in the Muslim world, is ending today with Akhiri Monajat. Today is the last day of the three days organized on the banks of the Turag River in Tongir. The 1st episode is going to end with the last prayer. The entire Turag area is vibrating with the sound of Amen Amen.

Turag arrows-2

Even though the siege of 20 parties continued across the country, it was not understood in any way after seeing the Turag arrows. Because Muslims from different regions of the country have appeared in the World Ijtema in different ways. It is a gathering of millions of people. Everyone gathers here saying prayer in the big congregation is a matter of reward. Millions of Muslims have come from abroad. Am Bayan starts from Fajr. runs non-stop. Bengali, Urdu, Persian, Hindi are spoken in different languages here.

It should be noted that the 2nd and last phase of Vishwa Ijtema will be held on Friday next week. This huge public gathering of Tabligh Jamaat will end like this year with the last prayer on Sunday.

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