The Dhaka Times
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Final prayer of the first episode today: Turag arrows will be resounding with the sound of Amin Amin.

The Dhaka Times Desk Amen Amen will be resounding today Turag Tir. The last prayer of the first phase will be held today between 11:30 am and 1:00 pm.

the concluding prayer today

Today the Turag arrow of Tongir will vibrate with the sound of Amen Amen. A great gathering of millions of Muslims from around the world took place on the Turag shore of Tongi. Although 62 districts of the country are scheduled to participate in this first phase, devout Muslims from other districts have turned up for the second largest gathering of Muslims or what is termed as the 'Second Hajj', the World Ijtema.

the concluding prayer today-2

Last Friday, after the Fajr prayer, the program of the first phase of the World Ijtema began with Am Bayan. After that, millions of Muslims went to the Friday prayers. Many devout Muslims of the capital along with pilgrims from different districts came to participate in Friday prayers.

This age is often called as Kali age, people are increasing in immorality. But seeing the grand gathering of world Ijtema, people's ideas will change. No matter what path people follow, the fear of the hereafter is in everyone. It seems that people have traveled hundreds of miles to be close to God Almighty. People yearn for the release of the hereafter.

Thousands of people rushed to Tongir's Turag bank after the Fajr prayer today to participate in the final prayer of the first phase of Biswa Ijtema. Soon after today the Amin Amin sound of the Turag Tir of Tongi will vibrate in the hearts of Muslims all over the world thanks to electronic media. Prayers will be raised with both hands hoping for the mercy of Almighty Allah.

At least 10 worshipers passed away due to old age in the two days of Biswa Ijtema last Friday and Saturday.

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Millions of devout Muslims have left for Tongi from the capital Dhaka since this morning. He left in whatever way he could to participate in the prayer. Some walked, some bused, some pushed in tempos and even pickups to attend the prayer. It is our hope that Rabbul Alamit accepts the mercy request of millions of Muslims.

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